How To Meditate Properly
Self-Development And Earnings

How To Meditate Properly

Meditation isn’t just a “one size fits all” activity; if you’re not careful, those precious moments of peace can go down the drain. If you’ve been tempted to try calming your mind but don’t know where to start, this blog is for you! This guide will explain how to meditate properly to gain maximum benefit with each practice session. Learn about different types of meditation and key things to consider, like breath awareness and posture, before starting. With these tips in hand, your journey toward inner peace can begin! So take a deep breath, and let’s dive into how to meditate properly.

How to learn to meditate correctly

At the initial stage, you need to practice 5-10 minutes once a day, then you can gradually increase it to 20 minutes, and then up to 25-30 minutes.

Tips for beginners

First, you need to find a place to meditate. It should be calm and quiet so you can focus. You also need fresh air, so ventilate the room. Don’t use bright artificial lighting.

Calming the mind is important for meditation. It can be done by sitting still and focusing on your breath or by counting your breaths from 1 to 10 and repeating. You can also try using a mantra, such as “I am peace”.

Postures for meditation:

  • sitting, bending your legs under you;
  • sitting in the lotus position;
  • sitting on a chair with a straight back, putting his hands on his knees;
  • standing with a straight back, arms along the body.

Lying to meditate is not recommended. There is a chance that you will fall asleep.

You can choose music to help you meditate. Of course, it should be calm and make you feel relaxed. But sometimes, it is better to meditate in silence.

morning meditations

The simplest technique that is suitable for beginners:

Observe your breathing for several minutes. At first, it is normal for your thoughts to wander. Just bring your thoughts back to your breath. Soon you will be able to meditate this way with full concentration for 5 minutes.

The right time to meditate

Morning meditations help people feel better for the whole day. However, the state changes after that, and people begin to feel different because the brain is borderline between sleep and wakefulness. Therefore, beginners are always advised to do meditation in the morning, not at night.

It is better to do a shallow meditation at night:

  • think about the past day;
  • be thankful for all the events to utilize this day;
  • let it go.

It helps to relax the nervous system, so sleep will be calmer and stronger, giving the body and brain a chance to rest well. It also strengthens self-esteem because a person reinforces the feeling that he is in the flow of life and that everything is fine.

Meditating can bring enormous benefits, from improved concentration and focus to better health. With these tips in hand, you now have all the knowledge you need to start meditating properly. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start your journey toward inner peace today!